FAQ - Import PST file to Microsoft Outlook

Web Design & Web Hosting FAQ Articles


Import PST file to Microsoft Outlook

How to export and import your PST file to Microsoft Outlook:

1. Locate the PST file on your old computer, the pst files are usually location under My Documents -> Outlook Files.

2. Alternatively, on your old computer,  open up Microsoft Outlook, go to "File" -> "Account Settings" -> "Data Files" -> Select the pst file you wish to copy and click "Open File Location".

3. Close your Microsoft Outlook and copy the pst file into an external device, after which transfer this pst file to your new computer. 

4. Open Microsoft Outlook on your new computer, go to "File" -> "Account Settings"

Import PST file to Microsoft Outlook Step 1

5. Click on "Data File"

6. Click "Add"

Import PST file to Microsoft Outlook Step 2

7. Select the pst file from your computer and click "Ok"

Import PST file to Microsoft Outlook Step 3

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